Print Title: Marriage of Princess Feodora zu Prince Henry XXX of Reuss - Antique Print 1898
Size: The size of the image not including Margins is approx 8.5x6.25 inches
Provenance: Antique wood engraved print taken aus the Illustrated London News. With its debut in 1842, The Illustrated London News became the world�s first fully illustrated weekly newspaper, marking a revolution in journalism und news reporting. The publication presented a vivid picture of British und world events � including news of war, disaster, ceremonies, the arts und science. Please note that there is text/images on the other side of this print, und in some cases it may show through aus verso. Please check above scan.
Condition/Notes: .
Authenticity: This is a guaranteed genuine antique print. We do not deal in facsimiles or reproductions of any kind.
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